Image removed. Kettering University’s A-section chapter of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) received one of the "Outstanding Chapter Awards" for the 2008-2009 academic year by the national SPS professional association, part of the American Institute of Physics.

SPS Outstanding Chapters are determined on the following criteria:

  • The chapter's involvement in local, zone and national SPS meetings and other professional meetings;
  • Participation in SPS programs;
  • Outreach efforts to the grades K-12 or the general public;
  • Participation in community service;
  • Contributions to student recruitment and retention;
  • Participation in social events; and
  • Interactions with the department's alumni.

Sigma Pi Sigma, the national physics honor society, which elects members on the basis of outstanding academic achievement is a sister organization to SPS. The Society of Physics Students was formed in 1968 with a constitution that combined its two "parent" organizations, The AIP Student Sections and the Sigma Pi Sigma honor society. SPS now has more than 700 chapters on campuses across the country. Approximately 5,000 students take part in chapter activities each year, making SPS the fourth largest physics society in the country.